Monday, October 29, 2012

Leadership failure

It is unfortunate that lives had to be lost to reach a solution. On the 10thAugust 2012, about 3,000 mine workers embarked on an illegal strike for a wage increase in Marikana, Rustenburg. Apparently the platinum mine, Lonmin, paid the miners a R4000 monthly income.
   Ironically no one knew about the strike until there was bloodshed on the third day of the strike. Ten people were killed including two police officers.
According to several reports, on August 16 police opened fire on miners, 34 killed and 78 injured leading to the arrest of 270 workers charged with public violence and murder. But later, charges were dropped after a national outcry.

Soon after the turmoil,President Zuma appointed a commission of inquiry led by former Supreme Court of Appeal judge, Ian Farlam.

“The massacre was a pure reflection of failure of the unions,” says a Wits Medical student, Bongani Miyeni.
Anthony Malapane, a Gauteng Legislature Researcher says “The strike had a negative impact on a national level as it has exposed lack of leadership within the unions as well as government. This has also threatened investors’ confidence”.

For months the ANCYL has been debating the nationalisation of mines. The strike presented them the opportunity to demonstrate leadership and compassion to the miner’s grievances by playing the mediator for the duration of the negotiations.

Now we’ll have to wait and see if the commission of inquiry will reveal what exactly transpired and hopefully justice will prevail.

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